Delivering quantum information – a field-deployed quantum network

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Distribution of Quantum Information: A Novel Boston Area Quantum Network
Authors: Nicholas Mondrik, Can Knaut, Yan-Cheng Wei, Aziza Suleymanzade, Bart Machielse

Secure information exchange and networked quantum computing—both essential for a future quantum internet—are being made possible by quantum communication and networking technologies. This post describes the cooperative efforts of Harvard University and AWS Center for Quantum Networking (AWS CQN) researchers in building a multi-node quantum network in the Boston region. Distribution, storage, and processing of quantum information are all possible with this network.

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Quantum Networks: Linking Quantum Computers

The domains of finance and materials science may be completely transformed by quantum computing. But although classical computers share information over a range of distances, quantum computers today function as isolated processors. Exchange of information while maintaining its quantum characteristics is necessary for quantum computers to cooperate effectively. This calls for a quantum repeater—a gadget that fixes mistakes and losses in information transmission.

Quantum repeaters utilise quantum memories, which are capable of storing and maintaining quantum information. A 35 kilometer long quantum link made with a special quantum memory called the Silicon Vacancy Center (SiV) in diamonds is a potential development in this field.

Quantum Network Illustration

In this experiment, 35 kilometers of fiber network beneath Cambridge and Boston carried photons carrying quantum information. By means of their interactions with quantum memory, two quantum network nodes were able to become entangled. This procedure required moving optical signals from the visible to the telecommunications domain and storing data for long times in nuclear memory.

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Field-based Quantum Network

Nodes process quantum information, and links exchange this information to form the quantum network. Long distance information transmission is accomplished by light using the current telecom fiber infrastructure. The difficulty is creating a repeater node or quantum memory that can effectively store and transmit data that was once carried by light.

Scientists from Harvard and AWS employed optical holes in diamonds as quantum network nodes. Together with interacting with SiV quantum memory, these nodes capture light. Developed over ten years ago, the system has special qualities including mass production using current nanofabrication technology. The memory operations are also signalled, enabling the identification and rectification of errors.

How the Quantum Network Works

A single photon that has been encoded with quantum information first interacts with a quantum memory to become entangled with it. The photon transfers the entanglement by going through an underground fiber network, converting its frequency to a separate quantum memory in another lab. We call this procedure heralding, and it guarantees effective entanglement between nodes.

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Sizing of Quantum Networks

Though the demonstration has potential, more work is required before it can be used commercially. Among these include boosting fidelity to over 99% and raising communication rates by employing several photonic devices in simultaneously. Techniques to go over present constraints and get quantum network nodes ready for commercial usage are being developed by AWS and Harvard.

Planning for Quantum Communication

Though it will take time, development and scaling the necessary technology for a worldwide quantum network is happening quickly. Leading this technology and promoting commercial use is AWS. Readers can contact the Quantum Solutions Lab (QSL) at AWS or go through other resources for further details.

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